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Exclaimer Mail Archiver Has Been Discontinued

… Are You Looking For a Suitable Alternative for Your Email Archiving Needs?

You’ve probably read it already. Exclaimer Mail Archiver was discontinued as of July 1, 2021. Exclaimer will continue to provide support for its product up to September 30, 2022. If you are looking for a suitable alternative – well, why not give MailStore Server a try? Our email archiving solution for SMBs is the perfect alternative if you want to continue using a Microsoft Exchange-independent solution:

  1. On the market for over 10 years
  2. More than 80,000 satisfied customers around the globe already use MailStore Server
  3. Supports Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft 365, and many other email systems
  4. Supports journal archiving and mailbox archiving
  5. Fast and easy access for end users, even on mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones
  6. Versatile export function guarantees independence in the long term, even from MailStore
  7. Free 30-day trial version available at any time
  8. Prices start from $ 259.00, incl. a 12-month Update & Support Service

Ok, that was a blatant portion of aggressive advertising, sorry for that! But seriously, we believe that for any happy Exclaimer Mail Archiver user, MailStore Server is a very good and suitable alternative.

MailStore Server 13Well, Here Are a Few Good Options to Find Out if MailStore Server Is the Right Email Archiving Product for Your Needs:

  1. Read the recent product review done by Microsoft MVP Brien Posey on www.techgenix.com
  2. Watch our product videos and helpful tech tip videos, as these brief ‘knowledge nuggets’ give you a great technical insight into MailStore Server
  3. Join one of our regular webinars and enjoy a product live demo
  4. Give it a try and download our free 30-day-trial
  5. Need to tick more boxes on your list of technical requirements? Our technical support is happy to fill the blanks.

Last but not least, we can offer you an attractive 50% discount off the list price with our competitive upgrade. Feel free to contact our customer service for your individual quote and licensing questions.

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