MailStore V12.1: Faster and Easier to Use
It’s not even a year ago that Version 12 of our software took security to a new level and simplified the archiving of cloud services. But we subscribe to the view that “standing still is moving backwards”. So we’re pleased to announce that Version 12.1 of MailStore Server, the MailStore Service Provider Edition (SPE) and MailStore Home is available to download right now. With this update, we’ve again made the software easier to use while enhancing both security and performance. Not only IT administrators but also end- and private users stand to benefit from a variety of improvements, some bigger than others. As ever, we’d like to encourage customers to update their software – we explain why that’s important in this blog post.
Mailbox Archiving – Improved Performance
“Thanks to improvements in the way V12.1 handles archive stores internally, we’ve been able to enhance the performance of mailbox archiving in MailStore Server and the MailStore SPE by up to 20 percent compared with earlier versions,” says Björn Meyn, Product Manager at MailStore.
Support Ceased for Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows SBS 2008
After Microsoft ended its support for Windows Vista almost three years ago, our email archiving software, after a lengthy transitional phase, now also no longer supports the outdated operating system. It will no longer be possible to run MailStore Server on Windows Server 2008 or Windows Small Business Server 2008 either, as Microsoft has withdrawn support for these products too. Customers running those operating systems will no longer be able to use MailStore software as of Version 12.1. In their own interest, therefore, we recommend that users install a current operating system to be certain that Version 12.1 works just as it should!
Retaining Folder Structures when Exporting Archives Now Optional
An improved feature means that the MailStore software is now able to export archived emails without the need to recreate the archive’s original folder structure. In certain scenarios, this will make it easier to handle and process exported emails. And it will also enable users to avoid limits on the maximum depth of subfolders permissible in the export destination.
The new features listed below relate exclusively to our commercial products for professional user environments, i.e. MailStore Server and the SPE:
Setup Help, Enhanced Audit Export, and New Icons for MailStore Server and the SPE
- In Step 1 of the procedure to configure email archiving for Microsoft Exchange, you’ll see that the setup wizard provides a direct link to our Online Help for all supported Exchange versions and for Microsoft Office 365.

- An important compliance feature of our software is the audit log in which audit events are recorded for subsequent verification. As of Version 12.1 the MailStore admincan also export the detailed information belonging to each logged event contained in the MailStore audit log so that this data can be analyzed in detail later on.
- Many of our end users use the Outlook Add-in for accessing their email archives. New MailStore icons now blend into Outlook’s current design much better, creating a more harmonious, modern look-and-feel.

- Orphaned archives belonging to users who have left the company, for example, are now displayed separately on the “Privileges” page under “Users and Archives” for the benefit of the IT administrator. This allows MailStore administrators to quickly identify dormant archives to which users are no longer assigned.
Version 12.1 of MailStore Server and the SPE is now available to download from the company website at zero cost for all existing customers with valid Update & Support Service. Customers whose Update & Support Service has expired should renew via the paid upgrade option and also upgrade to the new version.
Interested companies might also want to download the version as part of a free, unlimited 30-day trial.
Service providers interested in the MailStore SPE can register free of charge here to obtain all the relevant information, including access to a free trial version.
MailStore Home can be downloaded from the product page of our website.
Click here to view the respective change logs:
- MailStore Server: https://www.mailstore.com/en/products/mailstore-server/changelog/
- MailStore SPE: https://www.mailstore.com/en/products/mailstore-spe/changelog/
- MailStore Home: https://www.mailstore.com/en/products/mailstore-home/changelog/
If you want to learn what the end of support for Windows 7 means for MailStore users, please read this blog article.