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Stay Safe, Stay Healthy

Philip Weber, Managing Director
Philip Weber, Managing Director at MailStore

Dear Customers, Partners and Friends,

One Saturday evening only a couple of months ago, I was sitting at home with my wife and we decided to watch a thriller called “Contagion”. The movie tells the fictional story of healthcare professionals, government officials and everyday people finding themselves in the midst of a pandemic, while desperately searching for a cure against an aggressive virus. After that movie, I said to my wife: “I hope that never happens in real life!”

Today I am writing to you out of my home-office, as the week before last we made the decision to shut down the MailStore office and move all employees to home office working until further notice.

“Safety first” during these perilous times with the Corona virus spreading and causing harm and destruction – not only physically, but also economically.

MailStore is fortunate enough to be a digital company, which allows us to seamlessly move into remote working mode – the majority of businesses, however, are not that fortunate.

Already everything has changed, as we all attempt to get a grip on this new threat, that has appeared like out of a movie.

Keeping safe and everybody healthy is priority number one right now!

Despite this, we also need to continue our businesses as well as possible in this situation. Already stock markets are crashing and millions of companies, particularly the smaller ones, are suffering hard from the effects of the drastic, but necessary measures taken to contain the Corona virus.

I have had many conversations with business owners and close partners over the last two weeks and I was happy to hear, that despite the challenges we are currently all facing, the fighting spirit is unbroken.

Let’s keep this spirit up! Let’s defeat this virus together.

And then, let’s work together in getting our businesses and economies up and booming again!

As for MailStore and the team here, I can tell you this: Our engineering team is continuing the development of our next generation email archiving software. Our technical support team and our sales teams are available for your enquiries as usual and all other teams are likewise continuing to make sure, that we remain your experts in email archiving – even during these difficult times. Stay safe, stay healthy and try to stay at home whenever possible.

All the best to you, your families and your businesses,

Philip Weber & the MailStore Team – Your Experts in Email Archiving

Learn More about MailStore

29/04/2020, 05:16

Mailstore Home is crashing upon use. I’ve verified this on multiple computers.

Windows Exception occurred: (Unknown code: 3228369022) in module
C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll at address 0x00007FFDD1A2A799

This may be due to recent updates to Windows 10 and/or Outlook.exe

Wilm Tennagel
29/04/2020, 10:17

Hi Anthony, thank you for your message. Please note that the comment section on our corproate blog is not an appropriate place for making support inquiries. For users of our freeware MailStore Home, we have launched the support community. You will find a workaround to solve your problem there: https://community.mailstore.com/en/t/article-known-symptoms-when-archiving-outlook-mailbox/1402 Best Regards from Viersen in Germany

Rossi Claudia
18/09/2020, 16:19

Ho scaricato la versione free per archiviare le mie PEC; quando predispongo l’account e-mail
mi restituisce questo errore.
“MailStore non è riuscito ad accedere all’account di posta elettronica. verificare le impostazioni dell’account.
Dettagli: Autenticazione non riuscita. Verificare nome utente e password”
Io inserisco come account e -mail la mia PEC e come pwd la pwd con la quale accdo alla pec …è corretto?

. Cosa sbaglio?

Roland Latzel
18/09/2020, 17:16

Dear Claudia,
I understand that you use MailStore Home to archive your private email? Please understand that we do not provide technical support for our freeware products, but please refer to our free MailStore Home User Community to find a resolution for your problem. Our technical support engineers take part in the discussions there as well: https://community.mailstore.com/en/
Beyond that, I would recommend to re-configure your MailStore Home archiving profile step-by-step using this documentation: https://help.mailstore.com/en/home/Archiving_Email Your error message reads like MailStore Home is not able to successfully connect to your email service.

20/05/2021, 12:27

Testing your MailStore Server, I cannot find a way to archive all exchange mailboxes form a OVH Hosted Exchange infrastructure, it’s halfway between an Office365 and a Exchange Online so I’m able to create users/groups/etc but I’ve not administrative rights on it, Can You help me?
Thank You

Roland Latzel
20/05/2021, 12:42

Hi Alessandro,
of course we support Hosted Exchange environments as well: https://help.mailstore.com/en/server/Archiving_Emails_Without_Your_Own_Emailserver#Hosted_Exchange
However, it may depend on your service provider’s configuration. If you run into issues, please contact our technical support during your trial phase: https://cs.mailstore.com/

26/05/2021, 20:37

can I upgrade my version 9.5 to the latest 13.1 version.
or do I have to completely uninstall 9.5 and start over.

my current mailstore server is Microsoft 2012R2

I have Exchange 2016 on Server 2016 Server separate server.

Thank you
Steve Morales

Roland Latzel
27/05/2021, 08:37

Dear Steve,
general information on the updating process can be found in our MailStore Server Help. If you need assistance, please contact our technical support team while stating your license key.

29/06/2021, 08:09

my db got corrupted:
Error: “Unable to open the archive store 2021-01. A database error has occurred. Code: 335544335. Details: database file appears corrupt (<<path to archive\MAILSTOREFILEGROUP.FDB) wrong page type page 1112568 is wrong type (expected data, found transaction inventory).
Thank You for your help.

Roland Latzel
29/06/2021, 08:48

Please send an email to [email protected] stating your license key. Our colleagues from technical support will be happy to help you.

29/06/2021, 09:09

Thank You for your fast reply!

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