Why does email archiving matter in terms of legal and statutory requirements?
Solid email retention records are important for every business. The relevance of email archiving impacts businesses way beyond data privacy regulations such as the EU’s GDPR. Above and beyond national regulations, regulated industries need to take specific requirements into account when managing their email communication. What is more, companies may issue specific email governance policies which can impact email management, and not only for the IT department. Beyond that, electronic discovery of emails – in short, eDiscovery – may play a vital role for the legal department. Depending on the country and industry, emails can play an important role in litigation. A properly kept email archive can help minimize legal risks.
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09/06/2021 Our blog post on the importance of software updates was written some time ago, but the issue remains as topical as ever. In this new…
02/06/2021 Use of the cloud is now standard practice in many companies, and this is hardly surprising given the benefits (scalability, low investment costs, etc.). The…
26/05/2021 Last February, Microsoft announced changes to its policy on implementing mailbox receiving limits for emails. In this article, we explain what this could mean for…
24/03/2021 Easter is approaching and, with it, holidays for many employees. Sadly, the holiday period has a wholly different look and feel in these times of…
13/01/2021 Why Archive Emails? A Guide for IT Managers and System Administrators Not only is email an important means of digital communication, but it is also…
28/08/2019 Have you ever wondered what the term “eDiscovery” means and what steps the eDiscovery process entails? This blog post focuses on the link between eDiscovery…
17/07/2019 Despite the availability of a plethora of new channels such as messaging services and social intranets, the tried-and-tested email is still the no. 1 means…
16/05/2019 This blog has often featured articles about local and international regulations that have an impact on how companies and organizations handle their email traffic. Austria,…