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MailStore Home Communities: ‘Users Helping Users’

Source: Freepik
Source: Freepik

MailStore Home is our popular software for archiving private email. Over one million private users all around the world use MailStore Home. We have already announced that our B2C software will remain free of charge, and that will not change. However, since we provide that software free of charge, we are unable to provide personal support for it. Since we are a mid-sized company, it is simply not feasible for us to provide that kind of support for freeware. Thank you for your understanding. We do continually receive support requests – for example, over Facebook. We always answer these by referring the requester to one of our language-specific support communities. If you are not yet familiar with our support communities, please read on for further information:

We set up the MailStore Home communities as spaces to provide the greatest possible degree of help for any problems that might arise. The underlying concept is ‘Users helping users.’ The communities are places where users can discuss their questions and concerns, and inform each other of possible solutions. The MailStore Home communities are moderated by MailStore Support employees. We look forward to reading your posts, tips, and suggested solutions for helping fellow software users. You are the ones who let the MailStore Home communities thrive.

The international MailStore Home community can be found here: https://community.mailstore.com/en/

Three current key topics for users

Our Support employees realized that the greatest volume of questions concern three key topics. Support has published articles on these topics to help address user concerns:

  • How do I create a new archive location?


  • I’d like to switch from MailStore Home to the MailStore Server business solution – how can I transfer my old emails?


  • My archiving session has been cancelled: “The IMAPServer has returned an error” – what can I do?


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