2016: Email Archiving as a Cloud Service on the Rise at SMEs
We see legally compliant email archiving based in the cloud at SMEs as one of the IT trends for 2016. IT service providers will be expanding their service portfolio and also offer legally compliant email archiving as part of their managed services in the future. MailStore offers IT service providers the chance to archive all of their customers’ email traffic in a legally compliant manner with the MailStore Service Provider Edition (SPE). This software is provided as a service and makes it possible to archive emails in a legally compliant manner with full availability. For example, users can also access their emails in Microsoft Outlook and search through them as quickly as possible thanks to seamless integration. The MailStore SPE is provided as a software solution that is run on the IT service provider’s servers and made available to users via the cloud.
You want to learn more? Please see how MailStore SPE works.